When traveling to Japan, it's essential to know the emergency phone numbers to be prepared for potential risks such as accidents or illnesses. Let's update the information below with Hallo!
Japanese Police Phone Number
You can dial the number #110 immediately in the following situations:
When you are the victim of a large amount of fraud through banks or phones.
When you are robbed or mugged.
In the event of a traffic accident.
If you see a lost child or someone lying on the road.
When witnessing a landslide or road collapse.
In the event of a brawl or fight.
If someone asks you to call the police.
When you see someone holding and using something like drugs.
#110 is a dedicated emergency phone number for incidents, accidents, and situations requiring police intervention. Police units and patrol cars will prioritize arriving at the scene immediately upon receiving a call to ensure safety and resolve the situation.

Japanese Police
If you're not in a hurry and need police consultation, you can call #9110.
Illustration of Japanese Police
Vietnam Embassy Phone Number in Japan
The Vietnamese Embassy in Japan was established in 1976 and is headquartered in the capital, Tokyo. When you need assistance with legal issues, visa procedures, or any matters related to the rights of citizens, you can go to the embassy for support.
English: Tokyo, 151-0062, Shibuya-ku, Motoyoyogi-cho, 50-11.
Japanese: 〒151-0062 東京都渋谷区元代々木町50−11.
General information: [email protected]
Consular information: [email protected]
Website: https://vnembassy-jp.org.
Hotline phone numbers:
Labor Department: +81-70-1479-6888.
Education Department: +81-80-4675-1987.
Vietnamese Citizen Protection: +81-80-3590-9136.
Citizen Protection (Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs): +84-98-184-8484.

Illustration of the Vietnamese Embassy Headquarters in Japan
Directions to the Embassy: The nearest train station to the Embassy is 小田急線の代々木八幡駅 (Yoyogi-Hachiman-eki). Simply exit the south gate of the station, then turn right, follow Yamate-dori north, pass through the intersection of 代々木八幡前, turn right, and continue straight for about 100m to reach the Embassy.
Emergency Phone Number in Japan
If you or someone else is injured, call #119 to have an ambulance dispatched to the scene and be transported to the nearest hospital. If you witness a fire that cannot be extinguished, you can also call #119.
Illustration of Emergency Services in Japan
Note on calling the police or hospitals in Japanese
救急です! (きゅうきゅうです!): Emergency!!!
○町○丁目○番○号です。(○ちょう○ちょうめ○ばん○ごうです。): Report the specific address.
○○歳 さい の(男性 だんせい・女性 じょせい)が(病気 びょうき)です。: Report gender, age, and medical condition.
目標(もくひょう)は○○の(西 にし)側(がわ)です。電話(でんわ)は、○○○○-○○○○番(ばん)です。私(わたし)の名前(なまえ)は○○です。: Report your phone number and name.
Hallo hopes that through this article, you have gained important phone number information in Japan to apply in your daily life. Share it with others so they can also handle emergency situations quickly and safely.
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