iPhone SIM card error brings an unpleasant experience for users when communication activities and network access are disrupted. Below are common iPhone SIM card errors and troubleshooting methods.
How to identify iPhone SIM card errors?
iPhone SIM card error occurs when you insert a SIM card into your iPhone and it doesn't recognize the SIM or there's no service on the iPhone. iPhone SIM card errors have become quite common recently, leading to a poor user experience due to interrupted work and other entertainment activities.
The most noticeable indication of an iPhone SIM card error is when the phone indicates that the SIM card is not supported, the signal strength icon shows "No Service," and users cannot make calls normally.

iPhone SIM card errors cause inconvenience for users.
What causes iPhone SIM card errors?
Hallo summarizes some common causes that lead to iPhone SIM card errors when inserting the SIM card into the device.
Faulty or damaged SIM card, or incorrectly inserting the SIM card
Many people insert the SIM card incorrectly, causing the iPhone not to recognize the SIM card. Sometimes, you may encounter a situation where the SIM card becomes faulty or damaged after prolonged use.
Due to using a Locked iPhone
In Japan, some carriers provide SIM cards that can only be used for phones distributed by that carrier and only use the carrier's network. If you use a Locked iPhone (a type of iPhone that only responds to SIM cards from a specific carrier), you also cannot insert a SIM card from another carrier.
SIM card slot filled with dust
The SIM card slot is where you insert the SIM card into the iPhone. After some time of usage, dust and dirt may accumulate in the SIM card slot, causing improper contact between the SIM card slot and the device, resulting in the iPhone not recognizing the SIM card.
Incorrectly cut SIM card
Poorly performed SIM card cutting operations lead to cutting the SIM card to the wrong size or cutting into the SIM card's chip. Incorrectly cutting the size leads to improper insertion into the SIM card tray, and cutting into the SIM card's chip affects the SIM data on the iPhone.
iOS version currently running on the iPhone is faulty
This is a common error currently. When you use an iOS version that is not compatible with the SIM card, the iPhone will not recognize the SIM card.
Dirty SIM slot also causes iPhone not to recognize SIM cards
iPhone SIM card error without service
This type of SIM card error is displayed on the phone screen with the message "No Service," preventing you from making and receiving calls, and even sending messages or making calls through Facebook or Zalo.
When encountering an iPhone SIM card error without service, you should try to understand the cause to find a solution yourself before taking the iPhone for repair.
How to fix iPhone SIM card error without service?
Check the SIM card and SIM card slot
If your iPhone has a SIM card error without service, the cause may arise during the process of inserting the SIM card into the device.
Remove the SIM card tray from the iPhone, if you see dust in the SIM card slot, clean it thoroughly.
If you notice the SIM card inserted incorrectly or not properly aligned in the SIM card tray, you need to carefully reinsert the SIM card.
If the SIM card is damaged or burnt due to prolonged use, you need to replace it with a new one from the carrier.
If the SIM card contacts are broken, you need to take the device to an authorized service center for repair.

Check the SIM card and SIM card slot
Check the iPhone
You should use an international version of the iPhone (a type of iPhone that can accept multiple types of SIM cards) instead of using a Locked iPhone. Vietnamese living in Japan often buy Locked iPhones in Japan because of the low prices, and they also prioritize buying SIM cards from carriers that cover their residential and workplace areas. Also, because of this, some types of SIM cards inserted into Locked iPhones will show an error that the
iPhone does not recognize the SIM card.
iPhone error not recognizing SIM cards due to being a Locked version
To resolve the iPhone SIM card error in case you are using a Locked iPhone, you need to purchase a code from the carrier distributing that Locked iPhone, but it is expensive. Or the simplest way is to use a SIM adapter.
In addition, it cannot be ignored that some cases buy fake, counterfeit, or poor-quality iPhones. Poor-quality iPhones are also prone to SIM card errors. In this case, you need to take the device to a repair shop.
Furthermore, iPhone SIM card errors due to the iOS operating system also frequently occur. After a period of use, the operating system version of your iPhone becomes outdated and no longer compatible with the SIM card, leading to the device not recognizing the SIM card. You need to check if there is an iOS upgrade available for your iPhone model. If there is an iOS upgrade, you should download and install it. The phone will automatically reinstall the mobile network settings and troubleshoot the SIM card error without service.
Locked iPhones are cheap but cannot be used with various SIM cards from different carriers.

iPhone error not recognizing SIM cards
Unsupported SIM card error on international iPhones
iPhone SIM card errors can occur in both international iPhone versions and not just Locked iPhones. Unsupported SIM card errors on international iPhones are similar to those mentioned above, including errors due to the SIM card, SIM card insertion operation, operating system errors, or the international iPhone you purchased is of poor quality.
Knowing how to troubleshoot iPhone SIM card errors, you will be able to use your iPhone and SIM card normally for calls and network access. Hallo guides you on how to handle iPhone SIM card errors yourself, avoiding confusion and saving time, effort, and repair costs.
For more information on troubleshooting iPhone SIM card errors, please refer to: Hallo.co
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